
Kalkulator ułatwiający obliczenia na dużych liczbach z obsługą funkcji szyfrowania.

Hpmbcalc is a programmable multiple-precision hex calculator with many utilities. You can use Hpmbcalc to perform a lot of big number math and encryption operations, such as: square root, modular inverse; hash, CRC, and check sum calculations; pseudo-random number generation; primality test; hex, dec, oct, bin conversions; etc.


Omniscient Debugging

Debugger dla aplikacji napisanych w Javie

What if your debugger could go „go backwards in time?” Would that make debugging easier? By simply recording all variable assignments, it is possible to do essentially this. This is the underlying idea for omniscient debugging. The amazing part is that significantly large programs can be debugged in this fashion — Ant, JUnit, the debugger itself.
